Pool Meadow and The Common

Pool Meadow adjoins that part of the Common which lies next to the Worcester road and below the children’s playground. The pool was reportedly a source of fish for the nearby castle, of which only earthworks remain, but is today choked with horsetail.

The path which runs the length of the pool, alongside the Common Brook, is popular with strollers, joggers and dog-walkers. In recent years we have cleared the Pool Meadow path along the east side, below the dog exercise area next to the Recreation Ground, and also cleared a pathway on the north Church Lane/Watery Lane) side, so it is now possible to walk all round the edge of Pool Meadow, as well as continuing out onto the Common below the children’s play area, along a path that we also keep open by cutting back bramble.

A break from scything. The horsetail is visible to the left.

Green Gym keep the course of the brook clear of obstructions to the flow, and the path clear of  encroaching vegetation and overhead branches hanging too low, and have also tackled fallen trees blocking the way.

There is litter-picking to do but this is not a major headache. The invasive Himalayan balsam grows freely along and near the brook and as much as possible needs to be pulled up, as time allows. Some other native wildflowers have been introduced – for details, visit the Wildflower section of the Links page, here.

A work session in Pool Meadow

A session clearing out the Common Brook in Pool Meadow. The tea break is always welcome!

At the “castle mound end” of the path, where it meets the aptly named Watery Lane, erosion after heavy rain brought us to attempt the construction of a channel to divert the water off the path, as shown below, and this has been successful.

Repairing the eroded footpath in Pool Meadow.

Repairing the eroded footpath in Pool Meadow.

Flood diverter to combat further path erosion

We designed and built a flood diverter to combat further path erosion.

To read more about the management of Pool Meadow, visit the Links page.


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